27 ene 2016



28 dic 2015

29 oct 2015

26 oct 2015


León Ferrari - The architecture of Madness

One of the representation techniques they won't teach at school anymore,

1 oct 2015


Cycle Me Home, sinergia entre Máté y Levente.

Máté Pálla (1988) camarógrafo; cursó sus estudios en Royal Holloway, University of London. 
Levente Klára (1988) editor de cine, por la Universidad de Teatro y Arte Cinematográfico de Budapest + ECAM, Madrid. Ambos son amigos desde el instituto, donde empezaron a realizar cortos, trabajaron como VJs en clubs y festivales.
Cycle Me Home comienza en 2011, cuando Levi decidió volver a Budapest en bicicleta después de un semestre en Madrid y Máté se unió para documentar el viaje. El equipo continuó pedaleando y grabando, presentando nuevas perspectivas y distintos modos de narración en cada una de sus películas.
Este último trabajo muestra lo que cruzó su camino en Transylvania - región de Hungría en la que convivieron distintas etnias y que tras el replanteo de fronteras después de la WW1 pasa a formar parte de Rumanía - junto a Sergio Ávila, Flo, Go Jo y Milan .
La voz de Gyula Szersén - doblador de David Attenborough en húngaro - hilvana el viaje en el que nos sumergimos con la banda sonora por Andras Toth, composición en función de la edición del film. 
Y les vemos mirar, reir, pasar, y vemos paisajes, y no es hasta pasado un buen rato que descubrimos que se trata de una manada de ciclistas en su habitat natural, carreteras inexploradas. El ascenso de Transfagaras, los Montes Cárpatos en piñón fijo.
Transsylvania nos deja con el sabor de boca tras un brindis con palinka.

7 jul 2015

I wonder what is going to happen with our external hard discks when we die

All the information selected and created among this plane, contained in few small electronic boxes

We should run to get the most secure cover, prevent any external condition from ruining their circuits
Erect special rooms to store them, use the security cameras in banks where money used to be

Are we planing to keep the memory sticks inside a book? I gave it a try, it won't close. Furthermore everyone will find it at the first glimpse, so no story
Who should give a shit about your selected readings for the ebook if they probably won't be able to read this information?

I find those objects-information funny,
and comfortable to move around carrying with all; it weights as much as the grapefruits you carry for next morning juice

We go on secretly living as a smart Diogenes,
I can only guess we all will reach a point where we stop caring about anything that is not inside our memory
If for any reason we stop managing it well, or we lose it, the shapes carved inside will remain
allowing us to keep on
So that's the only thing we should really take care of

We are not as contemporary as we pretend. We still like slightly dusty rooms, that's why this vintage revival ¿see the people wearing plastic white clothes and matching leggins walking around looking through their googleglasses?

Being modern is not breaking with everything and try to invent something from scratch but taking what is useful of the research done until this point and work forward 
That's why I write on the net instead of a notepad, from one plane to another through the computer
Stupid pride and envy of the stone

             what is relevant

20 jun 2015

This is Major Tom to Ground Control

I have nothing left to say but from here you look in the most peculiar way

4 jun 2015

cerebro (Del lat. cerebrum) : estructura alimentada de experiencias y químicos - en composiciones y proporciones variables - de cuya conjunción se obtiene un producto llamado realidad. Anima a la persona.

1 jun 2015

el cerrar [del obturador al fotografiar una estancia de ventanas cerradas a pleno día, capturando la luz verde del interior], el abrir.

[lo que pasa entre tango] y [tango en esta grabación de Gardel]

1 may 2015

They are troubled by swimming in the ocean,

afraid to step on the ground to get out of there.

When they manage,

 a wave cleans a broken light bulb with a kid's eye inside by their feets.

They were dreaming.